Saturday, October 2, 2010


I'm going to be open today because I feel like my heart could explode with gratitude. Warrior is in a location with no church and no one to really talk God with. I had prayed for a door to be open and for God to put someone in his path to encourage him in his new walk.

I can't imagine going even a few weeks without a deep conversation about what God is doing for me. I accepted His will. I knew that God had a plan and that the outcome was going to be good. God is so faithful and so amazing. He never leaves us hanging or without a way.

We had a few days of comm blackout... no communication. I am sure all of you have been there. I had moments of discouragement and a list of things that could've easily held me down. I mostly pressed on.

Today warrior called and said that a chaplain is going to be stationed at his location. This is the first time that area has ever had a Chaplin and there is going to be some cool book study thing going too. When I hear warriors voice I feel like I can fly. When I see God answer pray I am so in awe I don't even have the words to respond! God, You amaze me! You never fail! Thank You Lord!

Psalm 66:6
Come and see what God has done, how awesome his works in man's behalf! He turned the sea into dry land, they passed through the waters on foot- come, let us rejoice in him.

I thank you for always making a way. I love what you are doing and I'm grateful that You let me see this blessing. I know so many times we don't see You working. Grow our faith to know You are involved. I pray that more of this EOD family grows to know You. I pray that they learn to rely on Your strength in all circumstances. Bless them as they do their jobs. Protect their minds, hearts, souls and bodies. I pray for the families teach them how to seek Your comfort. I thank You and praise You for this answer to prayer.
In Jesus' name,

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